Taking Heart

 Saturday 15th February

2:30pm to 5pm



Join Callie in a lovingly-led practice to nurture and support your heart.

The care and feeding of our hearts is just as important as physical self-care and is essential to feeling whole and alive.

There are many ways to nurture your heart. Here's just a few that comes to mind:

Gratitude. What are you grateful for?

Offering support to a friend or loved one and being open to receive their support when needed.

Connecting with people who share your values, hopes & dreams.

Connecting with the healing power of nature.

Creative expression (whatever that looks like for you). It could be poetry, writing, dancing, singing.

Yoga, somatic movement, meditation, mantra and deep rest are also a beautiful doorway into balancing your hearts energy.

In this workshop you will learn how to soften and create space around your physical heart with gentle somatic movement.

You will discover how the breath can help you connect in with your heart space in a light and gentle way.

In a safe and supportive space you will be guided through a meditation to help you rest in the heart and receive whatever messages or guidance it has for you.

Investment in YOU - £27

Limited to 10 places.

Venue - 4th Frodsham Scout Hut, Hillside Rd, Frodsham, WA66AW

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